Vox Amplug 2 Clean Headphone Guitar Amplifier

Vox Amplug 2 Lead Headphone Guitar Amplifier

Vox Amplug 2 Lead Headphone Guitar Amplifier

Joyo Jackman 2 BanTamp XL Series 20 Watt Amp Head

BanTamp XL Series Mini Amp Head 20 Watt Pre Amp 2 Channel Hybrid Tube Guitar Amplifier with Bluetooth Accessibility
Regular Price $349.00 Special Price $279.20
Availability: Out of stock

The XL Jackman II retains all the nifty features of the original version, such as the onboard Bluetooth, an FX LOOP, and a handy headphone output. These appointments alone would make it an impressive piece of guitar gear. Especially, when you consider that this compact and well laid out design is packed with 20 Watts of power. But unlike the older model, this new version comes with an extra channel with its own independent EQ.

It might have XL in its model name, but it is still actually pretty tiny! The new XL Jackman II BanTamP series amplifier from JOYO comes with an expanded feature set that includes separate clean and overdrive channels, and independent controls for VOLUMEGAIN, and TONE for each of the channels. The option of an external footswitch to change the channels on this British-voiced amp is another welcome addition that should really open up its applications for guitarists.

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Brand Joyo
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